Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Jap Jazz

I don't know where the time has gone lately as i just noticed i've not posted anything for over a week,what a slack ass! Ok so hopefully i can make up.The latest offering here comes from the excellent Mastercuts series with the compilation 'Classic Jazz-Funk 6' released in 1996.This was an album i pretty much overlooked for years until the other day when i gave it a play and soon realised there was a lot of damn hot tracks on it. I could have posted a number of tracks off the album but i've decided on Tokyo born Nabuo Yagi's,"Mi Mi Africa".Originally released in 1979 on Invitation Records this is a super piece of jazz,funk,disco with some wonderful harmonica giving it an added twist.With the originals of these trading for big bucks this is a compilation you really should try and get your hands on.Enjoy some jap jazz...

Nobuo Yagi - Mi Mi Africa

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